
All Idephix configurations are defined within the idxrc.php file. By default Idephix will look for a file named idxrc.php in the root directory of your project, but you can store it wherever you want and name it whatever you want. If you want to use a custom configuration file you need to specify id by using -c option with Idephix CLI.

The file must return an array of configurations. Idephix uses 3 main configuration elements:

  • environments
  • ssh_client
  • extensions

None of them are mandatory, you’ll need environments (at least one) and ssh_client only to execute remote tasks and extensions only if you want to register some extension.

This example of idxrc.php file will give you and idea of how define environments, ssh clients and extensions:


$environments = array(
    'prod' => array(
        'hosts' => array('', ''),
        'ssh_params' => array(
            'user' => 'ideato'
    'stage' => array(
        'hosts' => array(''),
        'ssh_params' => array(
            'user' => 'ideato'
    'test' => array(
        'hosts' => array(''),
        'ssh_params' => array('user' => 'kea'),

return array(
    'envs' => $environments,
    'ssh_client' => new \Idephix\SSH\SshClient(),
    'extensions' => array(),

Idephix use ssh-agent to authenticate to remote computers without password. Otherwise you can specify the password in your script or use CLISshProxy (instead of the default PeclSsh2Proxy) that ask you the password.

Once you have defined several environments you can specify which one you want to run your remote task against, using --env CLI option.